mala moja

Sailing round Europe

Trouble ahead

Thursday, February 11, 2016.

I’m down. After slowly aquiring the feeling of getting on top of things again over the last few days. I’ve started to consolidate my lists (what needs to be organized & decided, which repairs are to be done, what needs to be bought). And now this.
Carefully reading a 5th time over the equipment list required for registeration of my boat. The big sea-faring nation of Austria requires that boats registered for up to 200nm (nautical miles, off shore) need to have a satellite phone on board (or a high frequency or low frequency radio). In addition tho the VHF radio.
In addition.
So it’s either really expensive equipment plus getting certified for its operation. Or just expensive equipment with a (prepaid) satellite contract.
Seriosly started me to think about sailing the boat under another nations flag. It’s just sooo pathetically bureaucratic.
Yes i need safety equipment. Don’t get me wrong: i WANT safety equipment. And i have no intention whatsoever to save money by not taking what is necessary with me.
But a sat-phone for another 800 Euro? That’s rediculous. I’m not planning on going trans-ocean. I’m not planning on going anywhere further than a few days without coast. And I do have an EPIRB if things would come to the worst.
Right now it feels to me as if every car that wants to go over the Alps would have to get a SatPhone, because there will be no coverage in some valleys and passes… ridiculous.

(Cover image: sailing towards a thunderstorm during a holiday trip in Croatia)

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